Student/Parent Handbook
Welcome to Al-Iman. This parent-student handbook has been prepared to provide a concise summary of useful information. If you have any questions that are not answered by this handbook, please feel free to contact us. The information in this handbook is very important, so please read it carefully with your child.
School Hours
School begins at 9:15 AM and ends at 2:30 PM. Please drop your child off and pick him/her up from his/her class room at these times. The school is not responsible for children after 2:30 PM.
Emergency School Closing
When weather conditions make commuting to school a hazardous task, the school will close for the day. The school will make an effort to contact all parents if such conditions exist. Also, a decision about an emergency school closing will be posted on by 7:00 AM of that day of school.
School Attendance Policies
Attendance, both punctual and regular, is important to a student’s success in school. In the event of an absence, students must assume the responsibility of seeking out and completing assignments. In case of an absence, contact your teacher no later than 8:00 PM the Friday before absence.
Class Work
Students are required to fulfill the particular requirements of a curriculum to fully benefit from the educational growth. Homework as well as in-class assignments must be completed and turned in on time. Failure to turn in weekly class obligations will prevent the student from enrollment the following semester.
Student Dress Code
Students are expected to present an appearance that is in accordance with Islamic modesty. Boys must wear long casual dress pants (no shorts) and casual dress shirts. No hats, necklaces, or bracelets are allowed for boys. Girls are expected to wear a skirt or pants covering the knee and a blouse. Scarves are required for girls 10 years and older.
Behavior Policy
Al-Iman recognizes that discipline is important in an educational environment. Students must:
The Curriculum
The individual subjects: Arabic, Quran, Islamic Studies and Hadith.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher conferences will be held once a year at the end of January. The purpose of these conferences is to provide parents with an opportunity to meet with the members of the school faculty. Conferences regarding the progress of the individual student will be held at this time. Informal conferences may take place throughout the school year at the request of the parent or the teacher.
Special Occasions
Final Word
Al-Iman School administration and faculty hope that this will be a significant source of Islamic, Quranic, and Arabic education for your children. This, however, will not result without your continuous support. This school is designed for your children, but it is up to you to make it grow into a fruitful experience. We can work together as one in educating our children as proper Muslims.
Welcome to Al-Iman. This parent-student handbook has been prepared to provide a concise summary of useful information. If you have any questions that are not answered by this handbook, please feel free to contact us. The information in this handbook is very important, so please read it carefully with your child.
School Hours
School begins at 9:15 AM and ends at 2:30 PM. Please drop your child off and pick him/her up from his/her class room at these times. The school is not responsible for children after 2:30 PM.
Emergency School Closing
When weather conditions make commuting to school a hazardous task, the school will close for the day. The school will make an effort to contact all parents if such conditions exist. Also, a decision about an emergency school closing will be posted on by 7:00 AM of that day of school.
School Attendance Policies
Attendance, both punctual and regular, is important to a student’s success in school. In the event of an absence, students must assume the responsibility of seeking out and completing assignments. In case of an absence, contact your teacher no later than 8:00 PM the Friday before absence.
Class Work
Students are required to fulfill the particular requirements of a curriculum to fully benefit from the educational growth. Homework as well as in-class assignments must be completed and turned in on time. Failure to turn in weekly class obligations will prevent the student from enrollment the following semester.
Student Dress Code
Students are expected to present an appearance that is in accordance with Islamic modesty. Boys must wear long casual dress pants (no shorts) and casual dress shirts. No hats, necklaces, or bracelets are allowed for boys. Girls are expected to wear a skirt or pants covering the knee and a blouse. Scarves are required for girls 10 years and older.
Behavior Policy
Al-Iman recognizes that discipline is important in an educational environment. Students must:
- Use classroom time efficiently
- Be prepared with the proper materials
- Complete assignments on time
- Respect others
- Avoid running and shouting
- Avoid eating outside of snack period (gum is not allowed)
- Follow the Islamic manner as close as possible to what the Rasul (PBUH) has shown us.
- Keep cellphones and other electronics hidden at ALL times.
The Curriculum
The individual subjects: Arabic, Quran, Islamic Studies and Hadith.
- Arabic: The Arabic books that we will be using are published by Iqra’a Bookstore in USA. The Arabic lessons contain comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, and discussion. For the younger students, worksheets will be prepared for homework made by a special group of faculty assigned to produce fun and enriching material for the students.
- Quran: The Quran classes include reading, memorization, understanding, and tajweed. For younger classes, we use Al Noorani Rules.
- Islamic Studies/Hadith: These subjects include Ebadaat, Seerah, Tawheed, Aqeedah, Islamic manners, and Islamic Songs. We will be using the "I Love Islam" series published by Islamic Services Foundation.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher conferences will be held once a year at the end of January. The purpose of these conferences is to provide parents with an opportunity to meet with the members of the school faculty. Conferences regarding the progress of the individual student will be held at this time. Informal conferences may take place throughout the school year at the request of the parent or the teacher.
Special Occasions
- Bake Sale: There will be a bake sale held once during the school year.
- Programs: There will be two programs running through out the year to teach our students about Islam. The "How to Build a Relationship with the Quran" Program teaches students about how we can become closer to the Quran through listening, reading, understanding, and applying the Book of Allah subhanahu wa tala. The "We Know our Prophet Peace be Upon Him" program honors the Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, and teaches students about his blessed life.
Final Word
Al-Iman School administration and faculty hope that this will be a significant source of Islamic, Quranic, and Arabic education for your children. This, however, will not result without your continuous support. This school is designed for your children, but it is up to you to make it grow into a fruitful experience. We can work together as one in educating our children as proper Muslims.